A collaborative journey of intention, exploration, and focus to help you get where you're going next.

The Mover

This program is for you if you're looking to initiate real change. You'll work alongside two others throughout the program to build accountability and deep connection. You’ll also benefit from growing your network with amazing shapers from all over the world.

What Do I Get?

Inspiration, support, and clarity about where you're going next in your work life

How Long Is It?

6 weeks

Who’s Coming?

A global tribe of creatives, leaders, and adventurers


Who Is Facilitating?

While Jonas and Sara will be your guides, they are just as much a part of the cohort. Alongside a crackpot team of facilitators from around the world, we’ll seek to challenge and support you every step of the way

Why Are We Here?

The world is in flux and 'work' will never be the same again. We're a tribe of shapers and we've been working differently now for decades. We combine work and play, live with intention, and lead with heart. Together, our mission is to help you do the same

Program Components


Live facilitated sessions that dig deep, harness collective intelligence, and push you towards personal awakening

4 x 2-hour Zoom video sessions

All participants

1-3 PM EST on November 1st, 11th, 22nd, and December 1st
*All sessions will be recorded if you are unable to make a date


Kinesthetic learning, exploration, and levity as you walk and talk (preferably in nature🍃)

1-hour audio chats while on the move

Your good self and a chosen conversation partner


Deep work sessions with our friends at Groove - get shit done and connect with others while digital co-working

Self-directed 50-minute sessions that you can join whenever you like

Participants and the Groove community



Peer-to-peer triads that allow for co-regulation, perspective-hacking, and new insights

Suggested 1-hour weekly chats

2 other participants


Four pre-recorded videos

10-15 minutes complete with exercises, invitations, and additional readings

You in your own time


Impromptu video or audio chats about anything and everything. Brainstorm, get feedback or connect and flow with others on the program

~1-hour chats

You and someone else in our community

Previous Participant's Experiences

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm busy, how much time do I need for this?

The majority of the program is self-directed and can be completed in your own time. We have 4 live group sessions totaling 8-hours where you will get added value from the facilitation team.

You'll also be invited to join a peer pod that meets when you like. We recommended 1-hour a week for the duration of the program. In addition, ,you can initiate Jams, Walk and Talks, and Groove sessions with our wider community.

Is this program for me?

Are you considering your next career steps? Are you ready to strike out on your own, launch a business, or go freelance? Are you somewhere between your job and your side hustle? Are you on the verge of burnout and know that it is time for a change? Are you in transition between industries or specialties? Are you looking for alternative career directions that allow for more flexibility and freedom? If you answered yes to any of these - then this program is for you. We are an ever-evolving tribe that’s here to support you as you make your next move.

Are there scholarships available?

Yes. If you are experiencing financial difficulties or know someone that would benefit from the program and can’t make it happen right now then take advantage of our scholarships and get in touch with us right here

Is this the right time for me to do the program?

We’ve seen profound transformations in previous participants regardless of where they are in their careers. Some quit their jobs to start their own business, others shifted into new roles in their current organizations and rejuvenated their working lives, and so many have found meaningful ways to foster more creativity in whatever it is they do.

Just like financial investing, there is never a perfect time to start — but the earlier you start, the more time you have to get results. We like to think of it as compound interest for the soul.

What else?

Like most things in life, you get what you put in. This program is no different. It's up to you to take advantage of the many facets of the program which past participants have praised. You also will have lifetime access to our shaper community of beautiful humans from around the globe.

If you're here and you still have questions then book a time to chat with us right here


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